sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008

"Eşti unică" project is going to be launched soon

"EŞTI UNICĂ" - iubeşte în felul tău ("You are unique"-Love in your way)

This is the motto within the national project for 2009, made for bringing light in every woman's heart.
One of the components of this project is Festivalul Internaţional Lesby (International Lesby Festival) that will be happening between 9th and 15th of February.

Soon the website will be online...
We'll be coming back.

sâmbătă, 8 noiembrie 2008

Cosmin Dusleag- Vilnius 09 Ambassador for Romania

With the support of:

After the O.M.S. announcement as Romania joins the select club of countries that have lesby events, has attracted the support of several corporations, but also of international L.G.B.T. organizations .
Joining with them Cosmin Dusleag Vilnius-09 Ambassador for Romania has decided to support the "Festival Intenational Lesby", becoming a promoter of tolerance and support for minorities. The blog will keep you well informed on news about future F.I.L. and calls together with the O.M.S. for volunteers.
Those interested are asked to write an e-mail address: oms.fil@gmail.com

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2008

Vilnius announces over 900 events

“Next year is 365 important steps to create a new experience of European culture in Vilnius. In 2009, many places in Vilnius will feature international projects affecting many daily lives. The prestigious status of European capital of culture is the excellent opportunity to change ourselves and others. We’ll try to make use of all opportunities and to show Vilnius as a lively city open to people and to new initiatives.”- the declaration was made by Elona Bajorinienė, Director of PI Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009.

Starting 28 October 2008, the future Capital of Culture is introducing the "Vilnius-European Capital of Culture 2009" project that brings along over 100 unique projects and 900 events. Also Vilnius would like to say that it opens the gates of Lithuania for the first millenium celebration.

Copyright & More on: Vilnius 2009